Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weapons start to gather in the name of Homeland Security

Now this worries me a bit. Late Friday evening,  the White House releases this document that states in the times of "emergency" the government basically has the right to regulate everything. This document is just revision of one passed by previous presidents. If this was only a simple revision why then was it released Friday evening? Friday evening is usually the time that government documents are released because they would not be much mainstream media attention given to it. 
Another article informs the business communities that company ATK is now in a 4 year contract to make .40 caliber bullets for the department of homeland security. Add to this mixture the story about the military standing down when Leon Panetta visited the Marines last week. Other articles are starting to appear stating how homeland security is raising the awareness of a possible attack on U.S. soil in retaliation for the US solider who killed a number of Afghans last week. I thought that King Obama went around and apologized to these countries and smoothed everything over. Those who have not see these types of cover-ups should be seeing them now. All of this could culminate into the regime declaring martial law and restricting everything from toilet paper to handheld guns. Passes to travel around could even become possible with station points "checking your papers". In addition, this could lead to postponing or eliminating the elections "due to national security". As this administration has proved in the past, any event can be turned around to create more government involvement. Even the "occupy" people need to listen up, with the spring weather quickly closing in on us more and more protests groups will be out and some of them will go after the left side. With left and right attacking the administration they might feel threatened to start doing even the most unthinkable actions know to this country. Of course, I am hoping that I am dead wrong and this article gets filed into the "nutzo" category but what has been done in the last 3 years makes me wonder.

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