Monday, March 12, 2012

Obama keeps going after religon

AP reports that the US government has put the Vatican on a "money-laundering" list. Since the democrats couldn't get the control over religion using Obamacare regulations, they are going a different route. What they'll probably do is lump this in with the other "evil" banks that they always talk about. They'll create stories on how the Vatican bank is greedy and uses the funds from it's members for their own use. They'll try to convince all Catholics that the Vatican dupes them into giving them their hard-earned money and waste it just like the other banks do. This will cause a split in the religion, just want the left wants. Obama will tell them what evils the Vatican bank is doing and how he is concerned about what they are going through. He'll try to convince them that their religion is not what they thought it was. Some lefty will try to spin it as "well if Vatican is treating you badly with your money, why should you agree with what they are all about (i.e. abortion, etc.)". How about "Since the Vatican does not care about your money, this is a reflection on what the Vatican thinks of you." I hope that the Catholics and other religions will see through this and not fall for it. I hope that the religions can band together as they did with the Obamacare mandate issue.

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